Search Results
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Getting the best out of speech technologies for pronunciation teaching
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Understanding Intelligibility in Pronunciation Instruction - Victor Medina
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Research informed pronunciation instruction - Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Pronunciation and drama: Becoming more expresssive... - Marisol Hernández
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] A journey through pronunciation and emotions - Carol Gonçalves
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Rhythmic training techniques - Ewa Wanat & Jane Bentley
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Prosody for all the skills - Joy Mills
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Are we pronunciation ignorers, entertainers, enthusiasts, and/or teachers?
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Teaching Pronunciation: Simplicity is the key - Judy B. Gilbert
[IATEFL PronSIG] Embodied pronunciation instruction empirical evidence and recent findings
[IATEFL PronSIG] What pronunciation teachers can learn from international teaching assistants
[IATEFL PronSIG webinar] Ask the expert! PronSIG invite Mark Hancock